Weblogic to JBoss migration
Steps > JBoss configuration
- create a new linux user under which jboss and application will run (appuser)
- login as appuser
- mkdir jboss
- cd jboss
- mkdir bin server
- cd bin
- create a file appenv.sh
- create a file startappnode1.sh
- cd ~/jboss/server
- cp -pr /export/home/jboss/server/default appcluster_n1
- cd appcluster_n1/conf
- edit jboss-service.xml
- load your app specific non EJB jars by adding a line like
- <classpath codebase="${app.root.dir}/Apps/CoolApp.ear/APP-INF/lib" archives="
- add your Application folder in the value for 'URLs' attribute
- <attribute name="URLs">
deploy/, file:${app.root.dir}/Apps/
- we were deploying our application in exploded form. The directory structure was
- ${app.root.dir}/Apps/CoolApp.ear/META-INF/application.xml
- ${app.root.dir}/Apps/CoolApp.ear/APP-INF/lib
- cd ../deploy
- create file oracle-ds.xml to define jdbc pools and datasources
- cd ~/jboss/bin
- start jboss by runing the script startappnode1.sh
- nohup ./startappnode1.sh &
- watch nohup.out for any errors
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